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Omnibus Operating Budget

The Operating Budget pays for the day-to-day operations of state agencies, colleges and universities, and public schools (including federal funds and dedicated funds).

All budget sections on this site contain reports, proposals, and documents for current and prior budgets. The Operating Budget section also contains LEAP documents for both the general Operating Budget and for K-12 education. Links to all of those items are listed below.

LEAP Documents

Proposed LEAP documents* from the current legislative session are included in the House and Senate Proposals pages under Current Budgets.

The LEAP Documents page includes proposed K-12 LEAP documents from the current legislative session, links to historical versions, and links to enacted versions of other LEAP documents.

*LEAP documents are ones prepared by the Legislative Evaluation & Accountability Program Committee that may be specifically referenced in the budget.

Citizen's Guide

Citizen's Guide to the Operating Budget (PDF). This 20-page document, as stated in the introduction of the document, "is offered as a resource for citizens, members of the Senate, their staff, and other interested persons to provide a clear and simple overview of the state budget and state revenues. It describes the three basic state budgets and their interrelationships, the sources of revenue that support those budgets, how the money is spent, and how many staff the state employs."