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Other Resources

Some links to available resources go to external websites, which will open in a new browser window.

Budget Resources

State Budgets
Budget Outlook
Caseload Forecast Council
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Economic & Revenue Forecast Council
Economic Forecast Data - Inflation & Population Measures (Excel)
State Pensions
Washington State Government Organization Chart

Publications & Reports

Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 77 Standards
House Operating Budget Briefing Book (2020)
Senate Operating Budget Briefing Book (2019)
Capital Budget Briefing Book (2023)
Transportation Resource Manual (2023)
Citizen's Guide to the Operating Budget (2023)
Citizen's Guide to the Capital Budget (2021)
Citizen's Guide to K-12 Finance (2024)
Legislative Budget Notes
Legislative Session Documents
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC) Audit & Study Reports
Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP) Reports
Local Government Financial Reports (Financial Intelligence Tool (FIT))
State Auditor's Office Reports
Washington State's Budget Process
Legislative Guide to Washington's Tax Structure (2023)
Understanding the Washington State Budget Universe

Tax Information

Budgeting for Washington's Future (Tax and fee proposal information replacing advisory votes)
Citizen Commission for Performance Measurement of Tax Preferences
Comparative State and Local Taxes
Descriptive Statistics for Select Tax Incentives
Property Tax Statistics
State and Local Excise Tax Statistics
Statistics & Reports
Summary of Tax Legislation
Tax Exemption Study (2020)
Tax Exemption Study Data Visualization (2020)
Tax Incentives
Tax Incentive Public Disclosure Reports
Quarterly Business Reviews
Washington Tax Alternatives Model

Higher Education Resources (Excel Files)

Historical Tuition Revenues, Enrollments, & Operating Funds Updated