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Prior Transportation Budget Proposals

House 2012 Supplemental Transportation Budget Proposals

The documents below are associated with legislative budget proposals. Information is updated when documents become available to the public. For a historical list of other final budgets, see the Enacted Budgets page.
(Most recent proposals listed top to bottom)
As Passed Legislature
ESHB 2190
LEAP Document 2012-2C (TPA & Nickel) no change from 4/4/2012.
  (as referenced in 3ESHB 2127 ... see section 712)
LEAP Document 2012-2C (TPA & Nickel)
(as referenced in Proposed Striking Amendment to ESHB 2127 ... see section 712)
Conference Committee Transportation Budget 03/8/2012
LEAP Documents:
House Transportation Floor Passed 03/05/2012
House Transportation Committee Passed 02/20/2012
LEAP Documents:
No change fNrom House Transportation Chair Proposed except that for LEAP Document 2012-3 the following two interchanges are added to the "scope of work funded" for the JBLM Corridor project: the Martin Way and Marvin Road interchanges.
House Transportation Chair Proposed 02/16/2012
LEAP Documents: