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Competitive Capital Budget Grant and Loan Programs

This page contains information about capital budget grant and loan programs for which individuals and organizations may apply. Please click on the program link to find more information on how to apply.

Updated: 6/24/2024

New / Updated Agency Grant/Loan Program Brief Program Description Eligible Organizations Application Window Application Process Approval 2023-25 Total Program Appropriation
(dollars in thousands)
 Community & Technical College SystemCTC Career Prep and Launch Equipment GrantsCompetitive grants to community and technical colleges to purchase and install equipment that expands career-connected learning opportunities. Applications may have up to two or three award cycles throughout the year if needed to fully allocate funding.Public Comm/Technical CollegesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award5,000
 Department of AgricultureSafety and Access at FairsGrants for local governments and nonprofit organizations to support capital projects that make health or safety improvements to agricultural fairgrounds or fair facilities in order to benefit participants and the fair-going public. Multiple grant rounds may be awarded. See program website for details. Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, TownsJuly - September; odd yearsState Agency Award8,000
 Department of Archaeology & Historic PreservationHeritage Barn Preservation ProgramCompetitive grant program to assist with rehabilitation projects to preserve and rehabilitate historic barns across the state. Historic agricultural structures listed in the Heritage Barn Register, Washington Heritage Register, or National Register of Historic Places, are eligible to receive grant funds.Cities, Counties, Landowners, Non-Profit Organizations, Special Purpose Districts, TownsOctober - December; odd yearsState Agency Award1,000
 Department of Archaeology & Historic PreservationHistoric Cemetery Grant ProgramGrants for rehabilitatation or renovation of decaying or abandoned cemeteries to preserve the historic character, features, or materials or that maintain or improve the functions of the cemetery. Grants are awarded through a competitive application process. Any cemetery containing five or more burials, with at least one burial more than 50 years old, is eligible for grant funding.Cities, Counties, Landowners, Non-Profit Organizations, Special Purpose DistrictsOctober - December; odd yearsState Agency Award515
 Department of Archaeology & Historic PreservationHistoric County Courthouse Rehabilitation GrantsCompetitive grant program designed to provide state matching funds for eligible county courthouse rehabilitation capital projects.CountiesJuly - September; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List3,162
 Department of Archaeology & Historic PreservationHistoric Theater Capital Grants ProgramGrants are provided to eligible organizations for capital projects that restore and rehabilitate historical theater buildings. To qualify, a theater must have been originally built as a theater, be currently operating as, or will be restored to operate as, a theater, and be registered in the Washington Heritage Register or the National Register of Historic Places. Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations, Special Purpose Districts, Towns, TribesOctober - December; odd yearsState Agency Award515
UpdatedDepartment of CommerceBehavioral Health Community Capacity GrantsThe Department of Commerce, in collaboration with the Department of Social and Health Services, the Health Care Authority, and the Department of Health, awards grants through a competitive process to community hospitals and other community entities to expand and to establish new capacity for behavioral health services, including crisis stabilization, around the state.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award298,726
UpdatedDepartment of CommerceBroadband OfficeGrants for broadband infrastructure projects funded through the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program that meet a number of eligibility requirements including serving areas that are unserved or underserved and will provide minimum speeds of 100 megabits per second (mps) upload and 20 mps download.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Higher Education Institutions, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Public Comm/Technical Colleges, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award295,785
 Department of CommerceBuilding Communities FundThe Building Communities Fund Program awards state grants to nonprofit, community-based organizations to defray up to 25 percent or more of eligible capital costs to acquire, construct, or rehabilitate nonresidential community and social service centers.Non-Profit Organizations, TribesApril - June; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List30,579
 Department of CommerceBuilding for the ArtsThe Building for the Arts Program awards grants to performing arts centers, art museums, and cultural organizations for up to one-third of eligible capital costs for acquisition, construction, and/or major renovation of capital facilities.Non-Profit Organizations, TribesApril - June; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List18,000
 Department of CommerceCapital Grant Program EquityGrants to technical assistance consultants and community based organizations to assist in capital planning and predesign services to help organizations prepare their capital projects for capital grant opportunities at Commerce.For-Profit Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations, OtherOctober - December; even yearsState Agency Award3,800
UpdatedDepartment of CommerceClean Energy FundThe Clean Energy Fund program funds the development, demonstration and deployment of clean energy technology. Projects include clean energy development grants for Tribes; research, development, and demonstration of new technologies; and electrical grid integration and innovation projects. Application process varies by grant type, please see website for more details.Cities, Counties, Higher Education Institutions, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, School Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award50,000
 Department of CommerceCommunity Economic Revitalization Board ProgramCERB has the authority to finance public infrastructure improvements that encourage new private business development and expansion. In addition to funding construction projects, CERB provides limited funding for studies that evaluate high-priority economic development and broadband projects. The board reviews projects and meets every two months.Cities, Counties, Community Water Systems, Other, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, Towns, TribesRollingFirst Come, First Served25,000
NewDepartment of CommerceCommunity EV ChargingGrants for community electric vehicle charging infrastructure and equipment.Cities, Counties, Other, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award105,000
NewDepartment of CommerceCommunity Solar Resilience HubsGrants for solar deployment and battery storage at publicly owned community buildings.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award38,000
 Department of CommerceConnecting Housing to Infrastructure ProgramGrants or deferred loans for sewer, water or stormwater improvements and/or waived system development charges for new affordable housing projects. The project must be located in a city or county that imposed a sales and use tax for affordable housing.Cities, Counties, Public Utility DistrictsRollingState Agency Award60,000
UpdatedDepartment of CommerceDefense Community CompatibilityGrants to entities who have entered into an agreement with a military installation under the US Department of Defense Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program. Grants may be used for projects that address land development and military operations that impact the economy, environment, or quality of life opportunities for local communities. Eligible projects include land acquisition, recovery or protection of endangered species, increase affordable housing, and others.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, School Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)Legislatively-Approved List37,670
 Department of CommerceEarly Learning Facilities – School DistrictsProvides grants to K-12 school districts to expand, remodel, purchase, or construct early learning facilities and classrooms necessary to support state-funded early learning opportunities for low-income children.School DistrictsJuly - September; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List5,406
UpdatedDepartment of CommerceEarly Learning Facilities Grants and LoansThe Early Learning Facilities program provides grants to Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP) contractors and Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) providers to expand, remodel, purchase, or construct early learning facilities and classrooms necessary to support state-funded early learning opportunities for low-income children.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Higher Education Institutions, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Towns, TribesJuly - September; odd yearsState Agency Award91,688
 Department of CommerceEnergy Retrofits for Public BuildingsEnergy efficiency and solar grant funded projects result in energy and operational cost savings at state public higher education institutions, local government facilities, state agencies, tribal governments, and K-12 public school districts. Application process, match requirements, and eligible grantees vary by grant type. Please see website for additional details.Cities, Counties, Higher Education Institutions, State Agencies, School Districts, TribesOther (see program website link)Other50,000
NewDepartment of CommerceHome Efficiency Rebates ProgramRebate program that discounts the price of energy-savings retrofits in single-family and multi-family buildings, with a special focus on low-income households. Funding for this program comes from the federal Inflation Reduction Act.OtherOther (see program website link)Federal Agency Award83,200
NewDepartment of CommerceHome Electrification and Appliance Rebates ProgramGrants to partnering organizations to provide rebates and incentives to low-and moderate-income households and to small businesses to purchase and install high-efficiency electric appliances and equipment. Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Public Utility Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)Other163,000
NewDepartment of CommerceHousing Finance Commission Land Acquisition PgmThe Land Acquisition Program (LAP) is operated by the Housing Finance Commission. LAP provides affordable loans to buy land for the eventual construction of affordable housing. LAP loans have a 1 percent interest rate and a maximum term of 8 years.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Towns, TribesRollingState Agency Award40,000
UpdatedDepartment of CommerceHousing Trust FundCompetitive grant and loan program to fund affordable housing for low-income persons and special needs populations. The program supports the construction, acquisition, rehabilitation, or preservation of low-income housing units; assists low-income homebuyers with down payments to purchase their first homes; and provides pre-development technical assistance and organizational capacity building through strategic partnerships. Transit-oriented housing funding was added in 2023.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award577,539
 Department of CommerceLandlord MitigationProgram to reimburse landlords for eligible claims related to private market rental units during the time of their rental to low-income tenants using housing subsidy programs. Eligible claims include unpaid rent and utilities, damages to rental property, and/or other eligible costs.OtherOther (see program website link)Other5,000
NewDepartment of CommerceLarge Scale Solar Innovation ProjectsCompetitive grant program for planning and construction of large-scale solar innovation projects. The projects must have alternating current (AC) nameplate capacity of more than 100 kW at a single site or more than 1 MW across multiple sites.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Higher Education Institutions, Non-Profit Organizations, Public Utility Districts, State Agencies, Towns, TribesRollingState Agency Award39,000
 Department of CommerceLibrary Capital Improvement ProgramCompetitive grant program to assist libraries operated by governmental units in acquiring, constructing, or rehabilitating facilities.Cities, Counties, Other, TownsJanuary - March; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List10,951
NewDepartment of CommerceLow-Income Community SolarGrants for community solar and battery storage projects available to organizations serving low-income communitites.OtherOther (see program website link)State Agency Award6,000
 Department of CommercePublic Works BoardProvides loans and grants for public works projects for the planning, acquisition, construction, repair, reconstruction, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets and roads, bridges, water systems, or storm and sanitary sewage systems, and solid waste facilities, including recycling facilities.Cities, Counties, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, TownsOther (see program website link)State Agency Award400,000
 Department of CommerceRural RehabilitationGrant program for rural single-family homeowners with low income to pay for the cost for home rehabilitation to stabilize and make weatherization-ready. Commerce contracts with local governments, tribal nations, and other approved grantees to provide home rehabilitation services.LandownersOther (see program website link)Other6,000
 Department of CommerceWeatherization ProgramThe Weatherization Program provides grants to local partners to improve energy efficiency & home health for low-income single family and multi-family households. Projects include adding insulation, sealing cracks, and other changes that reduce heat loss, save money on heating bills and make homes healthier. The federal government and Washington State fund weatherization programs in Commerce. Commerce contracts with local agencies that provide the weatherization services.Non-Profit Organizations, Other, TribesOther (see program website link)Other40,000
 Department of CommerceYouth Recreational FacilitiesCompetitive grant program designed to fund up to 25 percent of eligible capital costs of new facilities or major improvements to facilities dedicated to nonresidential youth services (excluding outdoor athletic fields).Non-Profit Organizations, TribesApril - June; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List8,000
 Department of EcologyAffordable Housing Cleanup Grant ProgramProvides funds to public, nonprofit, and private entities intending to remediate contaminated property to develop affordable housing. Categories include: Affordable Housing Planning Grants and Affordable Housing Cleanup Grants.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, TownsOther (see program website link)Legislatively-Approved List12,259
 Department of EcologyClean Diesel GrantsClean diesel grant funds can be used to help purchase and install clean diesel technology on public and privately-owned heavy-duty vehicles and equipment. The program’s primary objective is to electrify school buses, but the program will also support idle reduction and other diesel equipment engine replacements.Cities, Counties, Other, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, TribesOther (see program website link)Other15,632
 Department of EcologyCoastal Wetlands Federal FundsThe National Coastal Wetland Conservation grant program provides grants for up to $1 million to coastal and Great Lakes states to protect, restore, and enhance coastal wetland ecosystems and associated uplands. Sub-grantees, such as public benefit non-profit entities, local and tribal governments can hold the acquired land and apply for funding through Ecology or another state agency.State AgenciesOther (see program website link)Federal Agency Award14,000
 Department of EcologyFloodplains by DesignFloodplains by Design (FbD) is a partnership between local, state, federal, and private organizations to coordinate integrated management of floodplain areas throughout Washington. FbD works to accelerate integrated efforts to reduce flood risks and restore habitat along Washington's major river corridors. Its goal is to improve the resiliency of floodplains in order to protect local communities and the health of the environment.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, TribesOther (see program website link)Legislatively-Approved List67,392
 Department of EcologyFreshwater Algae Grant ProgramFreshwater Algae Grants are provided to communities to monitor and remove nuisance algae and manage excessive freshwater algal blooms, with priority for the treatment of lakes in which harmful algal blooms have occurred within the past three years. Ecology issues between three and five grants each year.Cities, Counties, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award710
 Department of EcologyFreshwater Aquatic Invasive Plants Grant ProgramFreshwater Aquatic Invasive Plants Grants are awarded to communities to help control aquatic invasive plants. Eligible activities include development of integrated aquatic vegetation management plans, plant control activities, education and information projects, aquatic plant mapping and inventory, and pilot and demonstration projects, evaluation of implementation effectiveness and follow-up monitoring.Cities, Counties, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award1,700
NewDepartment of EcologyImproving Air Quality in Overburdened Comm InitGrants to reduce criteria air pollutant emissions in overburdened communities highly impacted by air pollution.OtherJuly - September; even yearsState Agency Award21,400
NewDepartment of EcologyLandfill Methane CaptureGrants for owners and operators of municipal solid waste landfills to comply with methane emission reduction requirements established in RCW 70A.540.OtherOther (see program website link)Other15,000
 Department of EcologyProduct Replacement ProgramThe Product Replacement Program offers financial incentives to Washington businesses to remove or replace consumer products containing toxic chemicals through technology and infrastructure upgrades, best management practices, disposal programs, and the use of safer chemicals. Currently, programs are available for auto degreasers, cosmetics, firefighting foam, certain dry cleaning chemicals, PCB lights, recreational foam, and thermal receipts.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, TownsOther (see program website link)Other6,500
 Department of EcologyReducing Toxic Woodstove EmissionsEcology provides grants to local clean air agencies to assist communities that violate or are close to violating federal fine particle pollution standards to remove uncertified wood-burning home heating devices with cleaner home heating options. Priority will be given to communities at high risk of violating national ambient air quality standards to prevent violations and avoid significant economic, environmental, and public health consequences.OtherJuly - September; annuallyState Agency Award4,144
 Department of EcologyRemedial Action Grants and LoansProvides funds to local governments to clean up contaminated areas. Categories are: integrated planning grants; oversight remedial action grants; independent remedial action grants; area-wide groundwater investigation grants; and safe drinking water action grants. Local governments can apply for a loan or grant to help clean up hazardous waste sites supervised by the Department of Ecology or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under a legal order or decree.Cities, Counties, Other, Port DistrictsOther (see program website link)Legislatively-Approved List115,111
 Department of EcologyStormwater Public Private PartnershipsGrants to develop public-private partnerships for stormwater retrofit projects that treat polluted stormwater.OtherOther (see program website link)Other3,000
 Department of EcologyStreamflow Restoration Implementation GrantsProvides funding for projects that improve streamflow and instream resources. Priority is given to watersheds and areas addressed in the law and basins with Endangered Species Act-listed fish species.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, TribesOther (see program website link)Other40,000
 Department of EcologyWaste Tire Pile Cleanup and PreventionThe tire program provides funding to local governments to prevent and remove waste tire piles, and the enforcement and education on tire storage and hauling regulation.Cities, Counties, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, TownsOther (see program website link)State Agency Award1,000
 Department of EcologyWater Quality Combined Funding ProgramA competitive application process providing low-interest loans and grants for projects that protect and improve water quality in Washington. These projects are wastewater treatment facilities, stormwater, onsite sewage systems, or projects to reduce nonpoint sources of water pollution. Applications are accepted annually between August and October.Cities, Counties, Conservation Districts, Non-Profit Organizations, Special Purpose Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)Other794,700
 Department of Fish and WildlifeCooperative Elk and Deer Damage FencingThe Department of Fish and Wildlife provides fencing materials to eligible commercial agricultural producers on a first come, first served basis to reduce crop and property damages from elk and deer. The Department provides fencing materials as a cost-share (50/50), and landowners are responsible for installation costs. Agricultural producers experiencing elk or deer commercial crop damage may contact the Department for consultation regarding program eligibility.Commercial Ag ProducersRollingFirst Come, First Served1,400
UpdatedDepartment of HealthDrinking Water Assistance ProgramsThe Drinking Water Assistance Program awards low-interest loans and grants and provides technical assistance to publicly and privately-owned community and not-for-profit noncommunity water systems for planning, engineering, consolidation and acquisition, preconstruction, lead service line inventories and replacement, and construction projects that improve drinking water infrastructure and increase public health. Please see program website for details.Cities, Counties, Community Water Systems, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose DistrictsOther (see program website link)State Agency Award139,822
 Department of Natural ResourcesForest Riparian Easement ProgramFREP compensates eligible small forest landowners in exchange for a 50-year easement on “qualifying timber.” This is the timber the landowner is required to leave un-harvested as a result of forest practices rules protecting Washington’s forests and fish. Landowners cannot cut or remove the qualifying timber during the easement period. The landowner still owns the property and retains full access, but has “leased” the trees and their associated riparian function to the state.LandownersOther (see program website link)First Come, First Served10,000
 Department of Natural ResourcesRivers and Habitat Open Space ProgramPurchase of conservation easements from landowners with forested land located in a channel-migration zone (CMZ) and/or critical habitat for state-listed threatened or endangered species. The two types of eligible land: 1) forestland habitat critical for state-listed threatened or endangered species (critical habitat), and 2) river habitat called unconfined CMZ, which are islands of timber within an actively shifting river channel.LandownersOther (see program website link)State Agency Award5,014
 Department of TransportationAviation Revitalization LoansA revolving loan program to assist public-use general aviation airports that may be publicly or privately owned, but are available for public use, and must have less than 75,000 annual commercial air service passenger enplanements as published by the Federal Aviation Administration. Eligible projects can include hangars, fueling facilities, business parks on airport property, paid parking facilities, passenger amenities, and other revenue-generating or cost-cutting developments.OtherOther (see program website link)State Agency Award5,000
 Public SchoolsCareer Preparation and Launch Equipment GrantsCompetitive grants of no more than $150,000 for school districts to purchase and install career and technical education equipment that expands work-integrated learning opportunities.School DistrictsOctober - December; odd yearsState Agency Award4,000
UpdatedPublic SchoolsHealthy Kids, Healthy Schools GrantsComprised of two separate grant programs: 1) Grants to school districts for the purchase of equipment or to make repairs to existing equipment that is related to improving children's physical health and nutrition and may not exceed $200,000 for any one school district; and 2) Grants to school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools, for the replacement of lead-contaminated pipes and drinking water fixtures.School Districts, TribesOctober - December; odd yearsState Agency Award13,000
UpdatedPublic SchoolsSchool Construction Assistance Program GrantsGrants to school districts to assist in construction and renovation of K-12 school facilities. State assistance is formula-based.School DistrictsOther (see program website link)State Agency Award372,866
UpdatedPublic SchoolsSchool District Health and SafetyFunds for the following grant types: (a) emergency grants for unexpected and imminent health and safety hazards at K–12 public schools, including Skill Centers, which will impact the day-to-day operations of the school facility; (b) nonrecurring urgent small repair grants at K-12 public schools, excluding skill centers, that could impact the health and safety of students and staff if not completed; and (c) equal access facilities grants for K-12 public schools, including skill centers.School DistrictsOther (see program website link)State Agency Award28,300
 Public SchoolsSchool Seismic Safety Grant ProgramGrant funding for schools in high seismic hazard areas, built before 1998 and not retrofitted to 2005 seismic standards.School Districts, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award40,000
UpdatedPublic SchoolsSmall Distr/Tribal Compact Schools ModernizationCompetitive construction and planning grants to small public school districts (enrollments of 1,000 or fewer) and state tribal compact schools to repair or replace significant building systems in K-12 school facilities. Energy assessment grants are also available for small school districts meeting the enrollment eligibility threshold. Small district modernization grants for school districts may not exceed $12 million in total cost for the 2025-27 application cycle.School Districts, TribesJuly - September; odd yearsLegislatively-Approved List214,880
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeAquatic Lands Enhancement AccountCompetitive grants for the purchase, improvement, or protection of aquatic lands for public purposes, and for providing and improving access to such lands.Cities, Counties, State Agencies, Towns, TribesApril - June; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List5,858
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeBoating Facilities ProgramCompetitive grants for the acquisition, development, and planning of projects for motorized boating facilities, including launching ramps, guest moorage, and support facilities on freshwater and saltwater. Funding is divided equally between state and local projects.Cities, Counties, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, Towns, TribesOctober - December; even yearsState Agency Award13,800
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeBoating Infrastructure Grant ProgramCompetitive federal grants to develop and renovate recreational guest boating facilities targeting boats 26 feet and longer. Grants may also be used for boater education.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, Towns, TribesJuly - September; even yearsFederal Agency Award5,000
UpdatedRecreation and Conservation OfficeBrian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal BoardCompetitive grants to remove barriers to fish passage with the goal of restoring salmon and steelhead to healthy and harvestable levels. The grant program is administered jointly by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Recreation and Conservation Office.Cities, Counties, Landowners, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, Towns, TribesJanuary - March; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List70,605
UpdatedRecreation and Conservation OfficeCommunity Forest Grant ProgramCompetitive grants to help communities protect and enhance their surrounding forest lands through land acquisition, restoration, and development.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, Towns, TribesApril - June; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List13,577
NewRecreation and Conservation OfficeCommunity Outdoor Athletic Facilities ProgramThe Community Outdoor Athletic Facilities (COAF) program provides grants to build, expand, or renovate outdoor athletic facilities. The COAF program is focused on helping support athletic experiences in communities that lack recreational opportunities, have underserved populations, and possess limited financial capacity.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Special Purpose Districts, School Districts, Towns, TribesJanuary - March; even yearsState Agency Award12,500
UpdatedRecreation and Conservation OfficeEstuary and Salmon Restoration ProgramCompetitive grants to protect and restore Puget Sound beaches, bays, and estuaries. The grants focus on strategic, ecosystem restoration projects that align with regional recovery efforts in the Puget Sound Action Agenda. There are multiple deadline requirements for application. Please see program website for details.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Federal Agencies, Higher Education Institutions, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, State Agencies, Towns, TribesJanuary - March; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List25,419
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeFamily Forest Fish Passage ProgramGrants for small forest landowners to repair or remove fish passage barriers on their property. Projects are prioritized based on: (a) the amount and quality of habitat opened; (b) the number of fish species benefited; (c) other upstream and downstream barriers; and (d) cost. The program is managed jointly with the Department of Natural Resources.LandownersRollingState Agency Award7,780
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeFirearms and Archery Range Recreation ProgramCompetitive grants to acquire, develop, and renovate public and private nonprofit firearm range and archery training/practice facilities.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, TownsOctober - December; even yearsState Agency Award840
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeLand and Water Conservation FundCompetitive federal grants for projects that acquire, preserve, develop, and provide access to outdoor recreation resources, including parks, trails, and wildlife lands. There are two grant programs operating under the Land and Water Conservation Fund umbrella with different deadlines. Please see program website for details.Cities, Counties, Other, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)Federal Agency Award20,000
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeNon-Highway Off-Road Vehicle AccountCompetitive grants that provide funding to develop and manage recreation opportunities for such activities as cross-country skiing, hiking, horseback riding, mountain bicycling, hunting, fishing, sightseeing, motorcycling, and riding all-terrain and four-wheel drive vehicles. A portion of the funding also is available for education and enforcement programs that encourage environmentally responsible use of the outdoors and for helping to minimize conflict between visitors.Cities, Counties, Federal Agencies, Non-Profit Organizations, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, Towns, TribesOctober - December; even yearsState Agency Award12,063
 Recreation and Conservation OfficePuget Sound Acquisition and RestorationCompetitive grants to help implement habitat protection and restoration priorities for salmon recovery in Puget Sound. The program is co-managed with the Puget Sound Partnership. Grants awarded on a two track process with multiple deadlines and in conjunction with the Salmon Recovery Funding Board process. Please see program website for details.Cities, Counties, Landowners, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)Legislatively-Approved List59,165
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeRecreation Access/EquityPlanning for Recreation Access grants are for planning projects in communities that lack adequate access to outdoor recreation opportunities. The program's focus is on diverse urban neighborhoods, small rural communities, and those that are less experienced with the Recreation and Conservation Office grant process. Grant program deadlines are still in development. Please see program website for details. Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Port Districts, Special Purpose Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award5,000
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeRecreational Trails ProgramCompetitive federal grants to rehabilitate and maintain recreational trails and facilities that provide a back-country experience for motorized and nonmotorized uses. A portion of the funding also is available for education programs that encourage environmentally responsible use of the outdoors.Cities, Counties, Federal Agencies, Non-Profit Organizations, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, TribesOctober - December; even yearsState Agency Award5,000
UpdatedRecreation and Conservation OfficeSalmon Recovery GrantsCompetitive grants to protect and restore salmon habitat. All project applications must first go through the local lead entity group. Grants are awarded on a two track process with multiple deadlines and in conjunction with the Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Program. Please see program website for details.Cities, Counties, Conservation Districts, For-Profit Organizations, Federal Agencies, Landowners, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Public Utility Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, Towns, TribesOther (see program website link)State Agency Award120,000
UpdatedRecreation and Conservation OfficeWashington Coastal Restoration Initiative GrantsCompetitive grants to restore aquatic and terrestrial habitat on the Washington coast, which serves to protect existing salmon populations and provide jobs for local communities. There are multiple deadline requirements for application. Please see program website for details.Cities, Counties, Conservation Districts, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, TribesJanuary - March; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List18,062
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeWashington Wildlife and Recreation ProgramCompetitive grants that provide funding for acquisition, renovation and development of state lands, local and state parks, water access sites, trails, critical wildlife habitat, natural areas, urban wildlife habitat, farmland and forestland preservation, and protection of riparian areas.Cities, Counties, Conservation Districts, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Special Purpose Districts, State Agencies, School Districts, Towns, TribesApril - June; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List120,000
 Recreation and Conservation OfficeYouth Athletic FacilitiesCompetitive grants to acquire, develop, and improve outdoor athletic facilities, such as ball fields, courts, swimming pools, mountain bike tracks, and skate parks that serve youth through the age of 18.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Special Purpose Districts, Towns, TribesApril - June; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List10,440
NewState Conservation CommissionAnaerobic Digester DevelopmentGrants to dairy farm owners for cost share agreements to develop anaerobic digesters.OtherOther (see program website link)State Agency Award24,900
 State Conservation CommissionConservation Resrv Enhance Pgm Riparian FundingFederal and state funded grants that restore streamside habitat for salmon and protect habitat for 10 - 15 years. The grant program supports pre-project design and management, technical assistance during project implementation, and provides oversight and maintenance for five years after planting. Applications are made through the USDA Farm Service Agency with technical assistance to applications from local conservation districts.LandownersRollingFirst Come, First Served15,000
 State Conservation CommissionFarmland Protection and Land AccessGrants for conservation entities to purchase agricultural conservation easements on properties secured through a FarmPAI loan. This program permanently protects land at imminent risk of conversion and seeks to facilitate land access for underserved farmers and ranchers. Non-Profit OrganizationsOther (see program website link)Other4,000
 State Conservation CommissionImprove Shellfish Growing AreasGrants to conservation districts to implement voluntary natural resource enhancement projects on private land to improve water quality in shellfish growing areas and to address ocean acidification. Funding also supports pre-project design and management, including engineering, cultural resource review, and technical assistance during project implementation. Funding decisions are made on the 15th of each month.Conservation DistrictsRollingFirst Come, First Served3,500
 State Conservation CommissionMatch for Federal RCPPGrants for matching federal funding for Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) projects. RCPP funds projects to increase the restoration and sustainable use of soil, water, wildlife, and related natural resources on regional or watershed scales. The federal program has specific application deadlines. Applicants should consult with the State Conservation Commission regarding application for state matching funding.Conservation DistrictsOther (see program website link)State Agency Award3,000
 State Conservation CommissionNatural Resource InvestmentsGrants to private landowners to voluntarily work with conservation districts to develop and implement best management practices that address natural resource problems. The State Conservation Commission directs program funds to conservation districts, which then use this funding to assist participating landowners.LandownersRollingOther4,000
 State Conservation CommissionVoluntary Stewardship ProgramA watershed-focused, incentive-based voluntary collaboration to protect critical areas and promote agricultural viability as an alternative to critical areas regulations under the Growth Management Act. Participating counties may manage the implementation and application process or contract for program implementation with a technical service provider (TSP). In 25 of 27 counties the TSP is a conservation district. The program provides implementation and monitoring funding to counties and grants Counties, LandownersOther (see program website link)Other3,000
 State Conservation CommissionWA Shrubsteppe Restoration & Resiliency InitiativeGrants to assist landowners in the shrubsteppe to implement wildlife-friendly fencing practices and improve the habitats for endangered and threatened wildlife species. Solicitation for habitat restoration projects will remain open until all available funding and resources are allocated.Landowners, OtherRollingState Agency Award1,500
 State Conservation CommissionWater Irrigation Efficiencies ProgramGrants to increase the efficiency of on-farm water application and conveyance systems. The saved water is left in streams and aquifers for other uses and users including fish species listed as endangered or threatened. In the 2025-27 biennium, State Conservation Commission must give preference to projects located in the 16 fish critical basins, other water-short or drought and climate change vulnerable basins, and basins with significant water resource and instream flow issues.Conservation Districts, LandownersRollingFirst Come, First Served2,500
 State Parks and Recreation CommissionStatewide Boat Pump-Out ProgramThe Clean Vessel Act Grant Program offers grants for construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of publicly accessible marine sewage disposal facilities for use by recreational boats. Projects typically funded include construction or renovation of pump-outs, dump stations, floating restrooms, and pump-out boats. Financial assistance is offered for ongoing facility operation and maintenance costs and grant match reduction. Grants are awarded by State Parks, subject to federal approval.Cities, Counties, For-Profit Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations, Port Districts, State Agencies, Towns, TribesOctober - December; annuallyOther3,600
 Washington Pollution Liability Insurance ProgramHeating Oil Tank ProgramThe Heating Oil Loan and Grant Program provides up to $75,000 for heating oil tank owners to collect critical data about their site and clean up releases, upgrade, replace, or remove heating oil tank systems to prevent future releases, and install new infrastructure. Eligible applicants must own the property where the heating oil tank is located or provide written consent from the property owner.OtherOther (see program website link)State Agency Award8,000
 Washington Pollution Liability Insurance ProgramUnderground Storage Tank ProgramThe Underground Storage Tank (UST) Grant and Loan Program provides UST owners and operators access to capital to replace or upgrade aging fuel systems to prevent leaks and dispense modern fuels; clean up historic or ongoing contamination caused by UST leaks; and adapt old gas stations for the changing transportation fuel market, including the installation of alternative fueling infrastructure such as electric vehicle charging stations. OtherOther (see program website link)State Agency Award12,000
 Washington State Arts CommissionCreative Districts Capital ProjectsCompetitive grants to established creative districts for small-scale capital projects to enhance and promote the district.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Towns, TribesRollingState Agency Award416
 Washington State Historical SocietyHeritage Capital ProjectsCompetitive grants for capital projects at publicly accessible facilities that interpret and preserve Washington’s history and heritage.Cities, Counties, Non-Profit Organizations, Other, Port Districts, Towns, TribesApril - June; even yearsLegislatively-Approved List10,000

The appropriation levels shown for the various programs reflect the total funding in the Capital Budget for the 2023-25 biennium for each program. Appropriation levels were Updated for 2024 Supplemental changes. Grant programs that were transferred from the operating budget or added in 2023-25 are indicated as New. For legislatively approved lists, the levels shown reflect the amount for previously approved lists. In the majority of cases, these lists are ranked by the agencies prior to submittal to the Legislature for future appropriation. Future funding levels for these programs may be different and will require appropriation by the Legislature. Individuals or organizations applying for funding are responsible for following the application requirements found at the grant/loan program link. Grant and loan programs that were newly added in the 2024 Supplemental Capital Budget are not included. If the new programs are continued in the 2025-27 Capital Budget, they will be added to the website in the summer of 2025.